Athena vs Odysseus (accusation)[roughish draft]

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
My fellow gods and goddesses, it is to my grief that I have summoned you all to this meeting today on Mount Olympus. You see, I have been quite involved in Odysseus' trials and tribulations for the past twenty-five years or so, and frankly, I've had enough. Odysseus and his family are going to be the death of me. I just know it. So my request is to have my Patron Goddess responsibilities revoked permanently. …

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…knowing Odysseus, he will not cease to cause mischief. I have fulfilled my patron duties and wish to have no more contact with Odysseus or his family, so that I may lead my immortal life as it should be led: lying on soft pillows atop Mount Olympus while being fed beautiful ripe grapes one by one. I beg of you, release me from this heavy burden that has plagued my immortality for far too long.